Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 is the year for GREAT HEALING, use your "voice" for yourself, your children, & tomorrows children so they will NEVER grow up locked in a "silent" hell...filled with misplaced shame and tremendous pain..... ~

Broken Girl by Matthew West with Lyrics

2012 is the year for GREAT HEALING, use your "voice" for yourself, your children, & tomorrows children so they will NEVER grow up locked in a "silent" hell...filled with misplaced shame and tremendous pain..... ~

2012 is the year for GREAT HEALING, use your "voice" for yourself, your children, & tomorrows children so they will NEVER grow up locked in a "silent" hell...filled with misplaced shame and tremendous pain..... ~
2012 is the year for GREAT HEALING, use your "voice" for yourself, your children, & tomorrows children so they will NEVER grow up locked in a "silent" hell...filled with misplaced shame and tremendous pain..... ~

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A piece of the documentary (excuse the quality, I used my cell phone to record this off the TV, a link to the DVD will be posted soon) ~ CUT AND PASTE IN TOOL BAR if you cant open link ~

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This is so reflective of what we do to ourselves when we engage in self destructive behavior (being with someone who hurts us, hurting ourselves with drugs or alcohol, etc etc... LOVE how "real" this song is!!