Friday, December 4, 2009


  1. You should provide info to the Oceanside City Atty's Office

  2. You should also check with DA's Office........ He's an inflatable dick bag who should be working at 31 Flavors......

  3. In response to your comment (s) I do not know what they mean, in that, I have provided MORE then enough information to OPD (out of fear for my own or others safety), and they have opted to do nothing about any of it. What would I check with the DA's office for?, again, they did nothing either..... unless there is something going on that I should be aware of? If so, please enlighten me.

    I did not cover for Shawn's actions incase that is what others/you assume (since I did not address them publicly). Shawn is capable of killing someone, me included, you sound as if you know him so I'm sure that is not news to you). the "system" has failed all the way around as it relates to Shawn (just as it does with many abusers), I have done all I can and I am now focusing on continued healing, being an advocate for all types of abuse, writing, etc... In the end, at least God will hold Shawn accountable for his actions (and trust me, he is aware of that, he used to tell me "I'm going to hell".... Shawn is a smart man....).

  4. On another note (an important one), Shawn hurt me in untold (as of yet) ways, ways I hope you don't ever understand...THAT SAID, I DID love him, AND while EVERYTHING he did that hurt was at the minimum a crime... HE is a child of God's and as such, he deserves my forgiveness. He had and has it even though, throughout ALL the years, he never NOT ONCE bought me jewelry, flowers, with the "I'm sorry's" and "promises" to never do it again... HE wasn't "that abuser", "THAT ABUSER" admits wrong doing (at least his apologies do) and Shawn Murray NEVER DID NOR WILL HE EVER admit he is "that man".... Ask his ex-wife, HE EVEN TOLD HER after she told about all the abuse (yes OPD knows about that too) that he was "just going through a lot" (during the years he abused her), and he is "not that kind of man"... So, you see, HE will never see "who" HE IS to those of us HE ABUSED... HE CAN'T... I accept that and I forgave him. Here's a link WELL WORTH viewing:

    Shande Carpenter No words spoken, every word heard... Forgiveness is as much for you as it is for the person you are forgiving... forgiving others of their wrong doings will set you free..

    Let's Forgive
    October 27 at 12:10am
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