Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Collin Raye - 11th Commandment

Treat your precious children with the kind of love God has for you and for them

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Signs of Emotional Abuse

Kelly Clarkson - Because of you - Live

I was 6 when it began... I know my age, because I know how I looked, that I was starting lasted for 3 years... I guess he started to worry that I might KNOW it's wrong and tell someone.....The abuse altered the innocent, childhood journey that ALL children should have. When no one was hurting me anymore, I found ways to hurt myself...BUT, I could never hurt myself as much as I hurt inside... So, I chose boys and men to hurt me as much as I hurt... THEY, were very good at it (someone taught them well). I felt "alive" yet dead with them... the boys or men were the "bad boys" or the "sexy" ones... Being abused by them hurt so that was "love" right? Because when I was 6, I learned that, someone taught me well, love and pain go together. He "owned" me, that made me so happy because that meant I was worth "owning"... but being "owned" came with a HUGE price..... that price ended up costing me my spirit, soul, and worse yet, it altered my own innocent children's path....

An excerpt from "No Longer Silent"

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Poem For A Friend

This didn't turn out to be about what I thought it was... I found myself feel "God" in some of it, my "ex-abuser" in some of it.... In any event, I

remained "open minded" and watched it... and I'm glad I did! ♥

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Celine Dion - I'm Alive

How great it is to be be "ALIVE" ......

Saturday, October 16, 2010

East to West by Casting Crowns

I pray for anyone who abuses another. I pray you seek forgiveness from God and yourself, I pray you seek help for the pain, fear, shame (anger) you feel so that you never need to give it to another....

SET ME FREE with lyrics

This is how I USED TO FEEL....Maybe you can relate? God guided me, but ultimately, I found the strength to call the police, to send my abuser the "right message", thereby freeing myself from the chains (pain) that bound me.....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

From the mouth of a child, to the ears of an adult....LISTEN

Monday, September 6, 2010

The effect of abuse on a child:

“The truth about childhood is stored up in our bodies and lives in the depths of our souls. Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings can be numbed and manipulated, our perceptions shamed and confused, our bodies tricked with medication, but our soul never forgets. And because we are one, whole soul in one body, someday our body will present its bill” Alice Miller

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beautiful song, great message....
The song that I wrote and recorded about child abuse with lyrics. The CD containing this song can be purchased at